Guest Appearance for Sussex Kings at Goring Concert - Sussex Kings of Harmony

Guest Appearance for Sussex Kings at Goring Concert
Type of post: Club news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Andy Heap
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sat, 18 May 2024
The Sussex KIngs of Harmony were the invited guests at a concert in Goring on Sea on Friday 17th May. The concert was hosted by the Croydon Male Voice choir as part of their annual tour of the county and the Kings provided the perfect counterpoint to Croydon's exceptional programme of choral and spiritual songs, adding two sets of unaccompanied barbershop to a wonderfully varied evening of vocal entertainment.  The amazing accoustics of St Mary's Church were perfect for the massed ranks of Croydon (they brought 40 guys which is still only half the choir) and equally perfect for the small but powerful Kings chorus.

It was a welcome return - and a case of deja vu, for the Kings' musical director, Roger Pinsent, who was formerly the MD at Croydon, and took the opportunity to direct his arrangement of  'Angels' with the larger choir.