Harmonic Encouragement at the Brighton Race For Life - Sussex A Cappella

Harmonic Encouragement at the Brighton Race For Life
Type of post: Club news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Andy Heap
Status: Current
Date Posted: Mon, 1 Jul 2024
Both choruses combined on Sunday 30th June to lend their tuneful support to the runners & walkers taking part in the Race for Life at Stanmer Park, Brighton. On a very hot day, we hope we brought some musical encouragment to the participants as they reached the top of a grassy hill before heading back to the finish line. In a rolling repertoire that saw the choruses mixing and matching but focusing on the 'upbeat' numbers, many of the runners will have seen us more than once as they completed a number of laps of the course.  We hope they didn't get the same song each time!
At over two hours, it was one of the longest gig we've ever done, but really proud to be supporting this charity and delighted to be a part of a fundraising effort which saw over £244,000 raised for cancer research.